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HMC748 - 典型设计图:
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HMC748 - 13 Gbps Fast Rise Time 2:1 Selector with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC748是AD公司的一款AD芯片产品,HMC748是13 Gbps Fast Rise Time 2:1 Selector with Programmable Output Voltage,本站介绍了HMC748的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与HMC748相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

HMC748 - 13 Gbps Fast Rise Time 2:1 Selector with Programmable Output Voltage - AD芯片 - 高速逻辑产品 - Analog Devices, LLC


The HMC748 is a 2:1 Selector designed to support data transmission rates of up to 13 Gbps, and selector port operation of up to 13 GHz. The selector routes one of the two single-ended inputs to the differential output upon assertion of the proper select port. The HMC748 also features an output level control pin, VR, which allows for loss compensation or for signal level optimization.

All single-ended input signals to the HMC748 are terminated with 50 ohms to Vcc on-chip, and may be either AC or DC coupled. The outputs of the HMC748 may be operated either differentially or single-ended. Inputs or outputs can be connected directly to a 50 ohm to Vcc terminated system, while DC blocking capacitors may be used if the terminating system is 50 ohms to ground. The HMC748 operates from a single +3.3V DC supply and is housed in a ceramic RoHS compliant 3x3 mm SMT package.


  • 2:1 Multiplexer up to 13 Gbps
  • RF ATE Applications
  • Broadband Test & Measurement
  • Serial Data Transmission up to 13 Gbps
  • Redundant Path Switching
  • Built-in Test
  • 优势和特点
  • Supports High Data Rates: up to 13 Gbps
  • Single-Ended Inputs
  • Differential & Single-Ended Outputs
  • Propagation Delay: 125 ps
  • Fast Rise & Fall Times: 22 / 22 ps
  • Programmable Differential Output Voltage Swing: 600 - 1200 mV
  • Low Power Consumption: 250 mW typ.
  • Single Supply: +3.3V
  • 16 Lead Ceramic 3x3mm SMT Package: 9mm²
  • 相关的评估套件共有1个
  • EVAL-HMC748LC3C - HMC748LC3C评估板:
  • 本页提供评估HMC748LC3C的评估板订购信息。

  • EVAL-HMC748LC3C - 无:
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