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HMC723LC3C - 典型设计图:
AD产品 - HMC723LC3C介绍
HMC723LC3C - 13 Gbps Fast Rise Time D-Type Flip-Flop with Programmable Output Voltage

HMC723LC3C是AD公司的一款AD芯片产品,HMC723LC3C是13 Gbps Fast Rise Time D-Type Flip-Flop with Programmable Output Voltage,本站介绍了HMC723LC3C的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与HMC723LC3C相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

HMC723LC3C - 13 Gbps Fast Rise Time D-Type Flip-Flop with Programmable Output Voltage - AD芯片 - 高速逻辑产品 - Analog Devices, LLC


The HMC723LC3C is a D-type Flip Flop designed to support data transmission rates of up to 13 Gbps, and clock frequencies as high as 13 GHz. During normal operation, data is transferred to the outputs on the positive edge of the clock. Reversing the clock inputs allows for negative-edge triggered applications. The HMC723LC3C also features an output level control pin, VR, which allows for loss compensation or for signal level optimization.

All input signals to the HMC723LC3C are terminated with 50 Ohms to ground on-chip, and maybe either AC or DC coupled. The differential outputs of the HMC723LC3C may be either AC or DC coupled. Outputs can be connected directly to a 50 Ohm to ground terminated system, while DC blocking capacitors may be used if the terminating system is 50 Ohms to a non-ground DC voltage. The HMC723LC3C operates from a single -3.3V DC supply and is available in a ceramic RoHS compliant 3x3 mm SMT package.


  • RF ATE Applications
  • Broadband Test & Measurement
  • Serial Data Transmission up to 13 Gbps
  • Digital Logic Systems up to 13 GHz
  • 优势和特点
  • Supports High Data Rates:up to 13 Gbps
  • Differential & Singe-Ended Operation
  • Fast Rise & Fall Times: 19 / 17 ps
  • Low Power Consumption: 260 mW typ.
  • Programmable Differential Output Voltage Swing: 700 - 1300 mV
  • Propagation Delay: 105 ps
  • Single Supply: -3.3V
  • 16 Lead Ceramic 3x3mm SMT Package: 9mm²
  • 相关的评估套件共有1个
  • EVAL-HMC723LC3C - HMC723LC3C评估板:
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  • EVAL-HMC723LC3C - 无:
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