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HMC675LC3C - 典型设计图:
AD产品 - HMC675LC3C介绍
HMC675LC3C - High Speed Latched Comparator-RSCML SMT, 10 GHz

HMC675LC3C是AD公司的一款AD芯片产品,HMC675LC3C是High Speed Latched Comparator-RSCML SMT, 10 GHz,本站介绍了HMC675LC3C的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与HMC675LC3C相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

HMC675LC3C - High Speed Latched Comparator-RSCML SMT, 10 GHz - AD芯片 - 高速逻辑产品 - Analog Devices, LLC


The HMC675LC3C is a SiGe monolithic, ultra fast comparator which features reduced swing CML output drivers and latch inputs. The comparator supports 10 Gbps operation while providing 100 ps propagation delay and 60 ps minimum pulse width with 0.2 ps rms random jitter (RJ).

Overdrive and slew rate dispersion are typically 10 ps, making the device ideal for a wide range of applications from ATE to broadband communications. The reduced swing CML output stage is designed to directly drive 400 mV into 50 Ohms terminated to GND. The HMC675LC3C features high speed latch and programmable hysteresis and may be configured to operate in either latch mode, or as a tracking comparator.


  • ATE Applications
  • High Speed Instrumentation
  • Digital Receiver Systems
  • Pulse Spectroscopy
  • High Speed Trigger Circuits
  • Clock & Data Restoration

  • 优势和特点
  • Equivalent Input Bandwidth: 10 GHz
  • Propagation Delay: 100 ps
  • Overdrive & Slew Rate Dispersion: 10 ps
  • Minimum Pulse Width: 60 ps
  • Resistor Programmable Hysteresis
  • Differential Latch Control
  • Power Dissipation: 100 mW
  • RSPECL and RSECL Versions Available
  • 16 Lead Ceramic 3x3 mm SMT Package: 9 mm²
  • 相关的评估套件共有1个
  • EVAL-HMC675LC3C - HMC675LC3C评估板:
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  • EVAL-HMC675LC3C - 无:
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