HMC654LP2E - Fixed Passive SMT Attenuator, DC - 25 GHz
HMC654LP2E是AD公司的一款固定衰减器产品,HMC654LP2E是Fixed Passive SMT Attenuator, DC - 25 GHz,本站介绍了HMC654LP2E的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与HMC654LP2E相关的AD元器件型号供参考。
HMC654LP2E - Fixed Passive SMT Attenuator, DC - 25 GHz - 固定衰减器 - 射频和微波 - Analog Devices, LLC
The HMC652LP2E / 653LP2E / 654LP2E / 655LP2E are a line of wideband fixed value SMT 50 Ohm matched attenuators which offer attenuation levels of 2, 3, 4 and 6 dB respectively. These passive attenuators are ideal for military, test equipment, and other wideband applications where extremely flat attenuation, and excellent VSWR vs. frequency are required.
These wideband attenuators handle up to +25 dBm of input power, and are compatible with high volume surface mount manufacturing techniques.
Fiber Optics Microwave Radio Military & Space Test & Measurement Scientific Instruments RF / Microwave Circuit Prototyping优势和特点
4 Attenuator Products: 2, 3, 4 & 6 dB Fixed Attenuation LevelsWide Bandwidth: DC - 25 GHzExcellent Attenuation AccuracyPower Handling: +25 dBm6 Lead 2x2mm SMT Package: 4mm²
EVAL-HMC654LP2E - HMC654LP2E 评估板:本页提供评估HMC654LP2E的评估板订购信息。
EVAL-HMC654LP2E - 无:无
HMC7150 - 28 Gbps EML驱动器HMC401 - MMIC VCO SMT,8分频,13.2 - 13.5 GHzHMC611 - HMC611/HMC611LP4对数检波器控制器芯片,采用SMT封装,0.001 GHz至10 GHzADP1877 - 双通道输出同步降压PWM控制器AD7664 - 16位无失码、570 kSPS、CMOS、逐次逼近型PulSAR® ADCAD5647R - 双通道、14位NANODAC?,内置5 ppm/°C片内基准电压源和I2C?接口AD5246 - 128 Position I2C Compatible Programmable Resistor in SC70 PackageAD8008 - 低失真、高速放大器AD9835 - 50 MHz 直接数字频率合成器、波形发生器ADXRS800 - 高性能、SPI数字输出角速率传感器