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HMC1021 - 典型设计图:
AD产品 - HMC1021介绍
HMC1021 - RMS Power Detector SMT, with Envelope Tracker, DC - 3.9 GHz

HMC1021是AD公司的一款包络/峰值检波器产品,HMC1021是RMS Power Detector SMT, with Envelope Tracker, DC - 3.9 GHz,本站介绍了HMC1021的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与HMC1021相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

HMC1021 - RMS Power Detector SMT, with Envelope Tracker, DC - 3.9 GHz - 包络/峰值检波器 - 射频和微波 - Analog Devices, LLC


The HMC1021LP4E is an RMS power detector with an integrated high bandwidth envelope detector. The RMS output is a temperature compensated, monotonic, linear-in-dB representation of real RF signal power, measured over an input sensing range of 70 dB.

The envelope detector provides an accurate voltage output which is linearly proportional to the envelope amplitude of the RF input signal for modulation bandwidths up to 150 MHz. The high bandwidth envelope detection of the HMC1021LP4E makes it ideal for detecting broadband and high crest factor RF signals commonly used in CDMA2000, WCDMA, and LTE systems. Additionally, the instantaneous envelope output can be used to create fast, excessive RF power protection, PA linearization, and efficiency enhancing envelopetracking PA implementations.

The HMC1021LP4E’s RMS detector integration bandwidth is digitally programmable via input pins SCI1-4 over a range of more than 4 decades. This allows the user to dynamically set the operation bandwidth and also permits the detection of different types of modulations on the same platform.

The HMC1021LP4E features an internal op-amp at the RMS output stage, which accommodates slope and intercept adjustments and supports a wide range of applications.


  • Log –> Root-Mean-Square
    (RMS) Conversion
  • Tx/Rx Signal Strength
    Indication (TSSI / RSSI)
  • RF Power Amplifier Efficiency Control
  • Receiver Automatic Gain Control
  • Transmitter Power Control
  • Envelope Tracking
  • PA Linearization
  • 优势和特点
  • Broadband Single-Ended RF Input
  • ±1 dB Detection Accuracy to 3.9 GHz
  • Input Dynamic Range: -62 dBm to +8 dBm
  • ±1 dB Envelope Detection Accuracy over 20 dB Input Range
  • Envelope Detection Bandwidth: >150 MHz
  • Digitally Programmable Integration Bandwidth
  • Power-Down Mode
  • 24 Lead 4x4mm SMT Package: 16mm²
  • 相关的评估套件共有1个
  • EVAL-HMC1021LP4E - HMC1021LP4E评估板:
  • 本页提供评估HMC1021LP4E的评估板订购信息。

  • EVAL-HMC1021LP4E - 无:
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