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ADUM7510 - 典型设计图:
AD产品 - ADUM7510介绍
ADUM7510 - 5-Channel, 1 kV Unidirectional Digital Isolator

ADUM7510是AD公司的一款标准数字隔离器产品,ADUM7510是5-Channel, 1 kV Unidirectional Digital Isolator,本站介绍了ADUM7510的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与ADUM7510相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

ADUM7510 - 5-Channel, 1 kV Unidirectional Digital Isolator - 标准数字隔离器 - 接口和隔离 - Analog Devices, LLC


The ADuM7510 is a unidirectional 5-channel isolator based on the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler technology. In contrast to the ADuM1510, the ADuM7510 has a lower isolation ratingoffering a reduced cost option for applications that can accept a 1 kV ac isolation. Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic air core transformer technology, these isolation components provide outstanding performance characteristics superior to alternatives such as optocoupler devices.

By avoiding the use of LEDs and photodiodes, iCoupler devices eliminate the design difficulties commonly associated with opto-couplers. The typical optocoupler concerns regarding uncertain current transfer ratios, nonlinear transfer functions, and temperature and lifetime effects are eliminated with the simple iCoupler digital interfaces and stable performance characteristics. The need for external drivers and other discrete components is eliminated with these iCoupler products. Furthermore, iCoupler devices run at one-tenth to one-sixth the power consumption of optocouplers at comparable signal data rates.

The ADuM7510 isolator provides five independent isolation channels supporting data rates up to 10 Mbps. Each side operates with the supply voltage of 4.5 V to 5.5 V. Unlike other optocoupler alternatives, the ADuM7510 isolator has a patented refresh feature that ensures dc correctness in the absence of input logic transitions and during power-up/power-down conditions.

  • General-purpose, unidirectional, multichannel isolation
  • 优势和特点
  • RoHS-compliant, 16-lead, QSOP package
  • Low power operation: 5 V1.2 mA per channel maximum @ 0 Mbps to 2 Mbps2.8 mA per channel maximum @ 10 Mbps
  • High temperature operation: 105°C
  • Up to 10 Mbps data rate (NRZ)
  • Low default output state
  • 1000 V rms isolation rating
  • Safety and regulatory approvals (pending)UL recognition1000 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577
  • 相关的评估套件共有1个
  • EVAL-ADuMQSEBZ能与大部分iCoupler?和isoPower(R)等采用16引脚宽体SOIC和QSOP封装的隔离产品一同使用。评估板支持电源、接地和I/O引脚等通用焊盘位置。


  • ADuM130x
  • ADuM131x
  • ADuM140x
  • ADuM141x
  • ADuM1510
  • ADuM240x
  • ADuM330x
  • ADuM340x
  • ADuM344x
  • ADuM440x
  • ADuM5000
  • ADuM520x
  • ADuM540x
  • ADuM6000
  • ADuM620x
  • ADuM640x
  • ADuM744x
  • ADuM7510
  • EVAL-ADUMQS - 无:
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