ADP2386是AD公司的一款开关稳压器产品,ADP2386是20 V、6 A、同步降压DC-DC稳压器,本站介绍了ADP2386的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与ADP2386相关的AD元器件型号供参考。
ADP2386 - 20 V、6 A、同步降压DC-DC稳压器 - 开关稳压器 - 降压LED驱动器 - Analog Devices, LLC
ADP2386是一款同步降压DC-DC稳压器,集成了一个44 m?高端功率MOSFET和一个11 m?同步整流器MOSFET并采用紧凑型4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP封装,可提供高效解决方案。该器件使用峰值电流模式、恒频脉冲宽度调制(PWM)控制方案,具备出色的稳定性和瞬态响应。ADP2386的开关频率可在200 kHz至1.4 MHz范围内进行编程。为了将系统噪声降至最低,同步功能允许开关频率与外部时钟同步。
ADP2386只需极少的外部元件,输入电压范围为4.5 V至20 V。输出电压可在0.6 V至输入电压的90%范围内进行调整,提供高达6 A的连续电流。各IC在禁用时从输入源汲取的电流不到110 μA。
ADP2386在-40°C至+125°C的结温范围内工作,采用24引脚4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP封装。
The ADP2384/ADP2386 evaluation board is a complete, 4 A/6 A,20 V, step-down regulator solution that allows users to evaluate theperformance of the ADP2384/ADP2386 with a near ideal printedcircuit board (PCB) layout.
The switching frequency can be programmed between 200 kHzand 1.4 MHz, or it can be synchronized to an external clockwith a 180° phase shift, which provides the possibility for astackable multiphase power solution.
The output of the ADP2384/ADP2386 evaluation board is presetto 3.3 V and the switching frequency is set to 600 kHz. Differentoutput voltage settings can be achieved by changing appropriatepassive components. The ambient temperature operating range is−40°C to +85°C.
Full details on the ADP2384 and ADP2386 regulators areprovided in the ADP2384 and ADP2386 data sheets, availablefrom Analog Devices, Inc., which should be consulted inconjunction with this user guide.