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ADIS16405 - 典型设计图:
AD产品 - ADIS16405介绍
ADIS16405 - High Precision Tri-Axis Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer

ADIS16405是AD公司的一款iSensor MEMS惯性测量单元产品,ADIS16405是High Precision Tri-Axis Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer,本站介绍了ADIS16405的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与ADIS16405相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

ADIS16405 - High Precision Tri-Axis Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Magnetometer - iSensor MEMS惯性测量单元 - 传感器 - Analog Devices, LLC


The ADIS16400/ADIS16405 iSensor products are complete inertial systems that include a triaxal gyroscope, a triaxial accelerometer, and a triaxial magnetometer. The ADIS16400/ ADIS16405 combine industry-leading iMEMS technology with signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance. The factory calibration characterizes each sensor for sensitivity, bias, alignment, and linear acceleration (gyroscope bias). As a result, each sensor has its own dynamic compensation for correction formulas that provide accurate sensor measurements over a temperature range of ?40°C to +85°C. The magnetometers employ a self-correction function to provide accurate bias performance over temperature, as well.

The ADIS16400/ADIS16405 provide a simple, cost-effective method for integrating accurate, multi-axis inertial sensing into industrial systems, especially when compared with the complexity and investment associated with discrete designs. All necessary motion testing and calibration are part of the production process at the factory, greatly reducing system integration time. Tight orthogonal alignment simplifies inertial frame alignment in navigation systems. An improved serial peripheral interface (SPI) and register structure provide faster data collection and configuration control. By using a compatible pinout and the same package as the ADIS1635x and ADIS1636x families, upgrading to the ADIS16400/ADIS16405 requires only firmware changes to accommodate additional sensors and register map updates.

These compact modules are approximately 23 mm × 23 mm × 23 mm and provide a flexible connector interface that enables multiple mounting orientation options.

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  • Triaxial, digital gyroscope with digital range scaling±75°/sec, ±150°/sec, ±300°/sec settingsTight orthogonal alighment, <0.05°
  • Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±18 g
  • Triaxial, digital magnetometer, ±2.5 gauss
  • Autonomous operation and data collectionNo external configuration commands required220 ms start-up time4 ms sleep mode recovery time
  • Factory-calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignmentADIS16405 calibration temperature range: ?40°C to +85°C
  • SPI-compatible serial interface
  • Embedded temperature sensor
  • Programmable operation and control: see data sheet
  • Single-supply operation: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
  • 2000 g shock survivability
  • Operating temperature range: ?40°C to +105°C
  • 相关的评估套件共有3个
  • EVAL-ADIS16405 - ADIS16405/PCB 分线板:
  • ADIS16405/PCB是一款“分线板”产品,提供1个ADIS16405BMLZ和1个接口PCB,可简化系统设计和评估早期阶段的“原型制作”过程。ADIS16405BMLZ是完全校准的MEMS IMU,提供一个串行外设接口(SPI)用于全部数字通信。它提供双排24引脚连接器接口,可最大限度减少电路板空间,但不支持标准扁平电缆连接。接口PCB通过双排12引脚连接器提供对ADIS16405MLZ的访问,支持标准扁平电缆系统和手工焊接连接技术。

  • EVAL-ADIS系统是一种基于PC的简单工具,用于评估iSensor产品,面向尚未准备好将这类产品集成到嵌入式处理器系统的人员。 该系统支持通过应用程序软件实现各支持器件的基本演示、个别寄存器访问和高速数据采集功能。 每个应用程序软件包均随附安装向导,可帮助简化安装并还随附易于使用的简单USB驱动程序包。 EVAL-ADIS随附的所有软件包均兼容Windows XP、Vista和7,并提供32位以及64位驱动程序。 EVAL-ADIS电路板厚度为0.125”,可通过预钻、预攻螺纹的安装孔来安装各个iSensor器件。 安装孔可容纳M2x0.4mm机械螺丝。 该套件还包含5组M2x0.4机械螺丝,可用于多种厚度的封装规格,无需购买额外硬件。 由于集成电源系统,因此大多数情况下无需外部电源,但的确提供外部电源输入,从而可进行电源灵敏度测试。 电源系统采用USB的+5V电压并针对+3.3V器件提供线性调节器选项。

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