AD8273 - 双通道音频差分放大器 - 音频放大器 - 音频和视频 - Analog Devices, LLC
AD8273是一款低失真度、双通道放大器,具有内部增益设置电阻器。由于不需要外部元件,AD8273可以配置为高性能差分放大器(G = 0.5或2), 反相放大器(G = 0.5或2)或者同相放大器(G = 1.5或3)。
AD8273可以采用单电源或双电源供电,两路放大器仅要求2.5 mA最大供电电流。AD8273工业温度范围:-40°C ~ +85°C,完全符合RoHS标准。
应用Data Sheet, Rev. 0, 1/08
The design of this board emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. This board comes with a ready assortment of connection options (BNC and RCA connectors), and many configurations are set by jumpers.
The AD8273, AD8277, AD8279 data sheets, available at, cover the details of the device’s operation. Using these data sheets for reference will help designers in their end application. The data sheets are helpful for understanding the operation of the AD8273/AD8277/AD8279 evaluation board, especially during the initial configuration and when powering up for the first time.