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AD5398 - 典型设计图:
AD产品 - AD5398介绍
AD5398 - 120 mA, Current Sinking, 10-Bit, I2C D/A Converter

AD5398是AD公司的一款透镜驱动器件产品,AD5398是120 mA, Current Sinking, 10-Bit, I2C D/A Converter,本站介绍了AD5398的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与AD5398相关的AD元器件型号供参考。

AD5398 - 120 mA, Current Sinking, 10-Bit, I2C D/A Converter - 透镜驱动器件 - 音频和视频 - Analog Devices, LLC


The AD5398 is a single 10-bit DAC with 120 mA output current sink capability. It features an internal reference and operates from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply. The DAC is controlled via a 2-wire (I2C compatible) serial interface that operates at clock rates up to 400 kHz.

The AD5398 incorporates a power-on reset circuit, which ensures that the DAC output powers-up to zero and remains there until a valid write takes place. It also has a power-down feature that reduces the current consumption of the device to 1 μA max.

The AD5398 is designed for autofocus, image stabilization and optical zoom applications in camera phones, digital still cameras and camcorders.

The I2C address range for the AD5398 is 18 Hex to 1F Hex inclusive.

Consumer/Communications Applications

  • Lens Autofocus
  • Image Stabilization
  • Optical Zoom
  • Shutter
  • Iris/exposure
  • Neutral density Filter NDF
  • Lens Cover
  • Camera Phones
  • Digital Still Camera
  • Camera Module
  • Digital Video Camera DVC/Camcorder
  • Camera Enabled Device
  • Security camera
  • Web/PC cam

  • Industrial Applications
  • Heater control
  • Fan control
  • Cooler (Peltier) control
  • Solenoid control
  • Valve control
  • Linear actuator control
  • Light control
  • Current loop control
  • 优势和特点
  • 10位分辨率
  • 120 mA吸电流
  • 集成电流检测电阻
  • 提供9引脚WLCSP (1.4 mm x 1.69 mm)封装
  • 另外提供9引脚3mm x 3mm LFCSP封装和裸片
  • 双线式(I2C®兼容)串行接口
  • 电源电压范围:2.7 V至5.5 V
  • 通过设计对所有代码保证单调性
  • 省电模式:0.5 µA
  • 内部基准电压
  • 上电复位
  • 关断功能
  • AD5398典型设计图一
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  • 节约时间成本,提高采购效率,AD官网授权代理
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